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The Future of Space


The Future of _Space comes as a response to the current global situation. As physical space becomes a fractured concept and experience, permeated by concern and hesitation, new means of engaging are arising. Out of this heightened awareness, we have the opportunity to pause and consider what normal means when it comes to space, and if after this rupture, we will have to or should discover a new normal. Our social norms dictated by the spatial cues we have relied on are changing. When 6 feet of space is the closest to physical propinquity we’re allowed to feel, how then do we depend on digital frameworks and mental space to cut down the space between? How do we find connection when digital space becomes the safest option? What does this mean for our mental, personal, public, private, and interior spaces? How does one _Space affect all these types of space? When boundaries in the physical realm become heightened, what happens to the boundaries around other _Spaces? As work and personal take place within the home on the same dining room tables, how does this affect our experience of privacy and private space? These previously distinct concepts are shifting to become hybrid experiences. Public and private now blatantly overlap, spatial cues we once unconsciously responded to are removed and reconfigured. When these _Spaces become imbued with more meaning than ever before, how do we unravel what we need out of our _Spaces and what we imbue them with habitually? In reconciling all these shifts in reality and perception, we ask our audience, designers, artists, etc. to participate in the A+D Museum’s experimentation with this concept, in the form of a digital exhibition. The exhibition will act as our contribution to this _Space. We ask you to respond to this prompt, imagine the future of _Space, express how these radical changes have affected your current _Space. We leave _Space and all its prefixes up to you to interpret and decipher in order to begin a conversation on the The Future of _Space.

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A collection of general resources, and our favorite reads including children’s classics, non-fiction essays, and serial publications. 

A collection of playlists, albums, and podcasts from the A+D Museum’s team, both entertaining and educational.

A collection of films, television series, and video media pertaining to arts and culture, all collected by our team.

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A+D Museum
170 S. La Brea Ave. Ste.102, Los Angeles, CA 90036

Hours: Temporarily Closed while in between shows

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