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LA NOW: Volumes 1-4


Volumes 1-2 showcase a strong collaboration between UCLA Architecture students, CalArts graphic students, and Art Center photography and film students. The volumes capture a snapshot of Los Angeles at the beginning of the 21st Century and present a series of conceptual proposals sited across Los Angeles with the intent of encouraging civic and business leaders, developers, architects, students and the general public to rethink the city and the plans for its future.

In Volumes 3-4, Thom Mayne, in collaboration with the UCLA Research Studio he teaches, responds to a growing population and addresses housing 35,000 residents in downtown Los Angeles and Chavez Ravine. The four volumes highlight a successfully productive and symbiotic relationship between academia and the profession that results in an extensive urban research and design effort to recognize and address the urban problems facing the rapidly growing city

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A+D Museum
170 S. La Brea Ave. Ste.102, Los Angeles, CA 90036

Hours: Temporarily Closed while in between shows

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