Designing Worlds analyses the work of emerging and professional video game designers and examines the relationship between design and environment in video games. With genres ranging from heroic competition to navigating a romantic entanglement, these contemporary designers have been using their ability to create whole worlds to redefine what a community is. With social distancing becoming a necessity to our communities, we explore how these games are designed or may be manipulated by their players to form new communities and relationships that would otherwise be impossible. Gamifying these often complicated experiences brings catharsis to the players who experience them. The realm of video games is one in which the fabricated realities allow for alternative outcomes and aesthetic and emotional modification.
Featuring: 3-Fold Games, Amanita Design, Clever Endeavour Games, Die Gute Fabrik, Ghostbutter, Half Mermaid Productions, ION LANDS, Kiana Mosser & Matt Fisher, Lucas Pope, Mountains, Notion Games, Nuchallenger, pixelteriyaki, Plasticity Games, Playdead, Plethora Project, Quill Game Studios, Richard Hogg & Hollow Ponds, Terri Vellmann & Doseone, The Elsewhere Company, The Game Band, Those Awesome Guys,Tracy Fullerton and the Walden Team, ustwo games
A collection of general resources, and our favorite reads including children’s classics, non-fiction essays, and serial publications.
A collection of playlists, albums, and podcasts from the A+D Museum’s team, both entertaining and educational.
A collection of films, television series, and video media pertaining to arts and culture, all collected by our team.
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A+D Museum
170 S. La Brea Ave. Ste.102, Los Angeles, CA 90036
Hours: Temporarily Closed while in between shows
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