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AIA/LA Presents: 2×8 Taut


2X8 is an annual exhibition sponsored by the AIA|LA, showcasing exemplary student work from architecture and design institutions throughout California. Participating academic programs select two projects that exemplify its core vision. The students’ design work is judged by a noteworthy panel of architects and industry professionals. “2012 marks 2X8’s 10th anniversary and we wanted to shake things up a little and involve not only the students, but also a great deal of the faculty,” said Ryan Gobuty, Assoc. AIA and the 2012 2X8 Committee Chair. “Last year we sent a request for proposals to all architecture and design schools statewide, received many submissions and after careful consideration and interviews, designated Matthew Gillis, a teacher at SCI-Arc, Woodbury and Otis, as the designer to create this year’s exhibition. We are very excited about his design as well as its visual and emotional impact.” The jury commented that Gillis’ submission was an original concept that had the flexibility to fit in many different spaces. More importantly, the design supported— rather than took away from — the student’s work.  

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A+D Museum
170 S. La Brea Ave. Ste.102, Los Angeles, CA 90036

Hours: Temporarily Closed while in between shows

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